New Moon Women's Circle

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My intenion for these monthly sacred circles is to gather (which is always a powerful thing), creating time and space for connection with community AND  ourselves.
Supporting with deep listening AND sharing.
Going inside AND bringing our dreams and truth out in whatever form it looks like for you.
These circles happen around the new Moon each month.
Another extremely powerful practice...tuning in to nature.

New Moon
The New Moon occurs when the moon is dark in the sky-the very beginning of the cycle.
It's energy is powerful and mysterious. Working with the moon is EXTREMELY powerful, because we are already in sync with the moon...going within to reconnect with yourself and experiencing the power of intention.

Each circle has a theme that our time will be centered around.
These circles will not build on each other, they will be their own individual gathering with a different theme each time.
Feel free to come to one or all, whatever feels right to you:)

Contact me to save your spot in the circle.
Thank you for your $30 cash, check or Venmo payment.  So much gratitude for each of you!

New Moon Circle Testimonials

My sister invited me to attend Yoga Mama’Z Moon Circle with her. I was more than happy to attend. My sister and I haven’t been close in many years as our past has been all over the place. Ever since we attended that evening class together we have been closer and connected a bit more. We opened up a bit more to each other and the feeling I received while being there was extremely peaceful and unique. Like I was meant to be there. I loved getting to know a bit about the other wonderful ladies and their stories and how they have enjoyed doing yoga and classes with Heather also I would highly recommend to anyone and everyone. Thank you Heather 😍
Nancy, New Moon Women's Circle Participant

The New Moon Circle was great!  I was a little apprehensive at first but then I realized everyone was there in support of other women and to learn and grow in themselves.  It was great to be in space that was non-judgemental and supportive.  I liked setting the intention for the New Moon and picking a word to meditate on.  I feel it’s helped me to be more intentional these last few weeks since the last one.  Thank you for being encouraging to me to try something new.  It was a great experience!

I have attended the New Moon Women’s Circle a few times now and every time I feel like I learn something new. Taking the time to slow down, connect and uplift other women is empowering and gratifying.  I’m so thankful Heather offers this class and I always look forward to the next one!
Jen S.

I took a huge step out of my safe zone and listened to a call I had inside. I didn’t know who would be at the class and I knew of Heather, but we never had spoken to each other before. She’s so welcoming!! Her studio is calming and relaxing! I was at ease with the smiling faces! I’ve never done anything like this. It was absolutely amazing! It was a safe zone with like minded friends. I loved every bit of it and totally need the light it put in me. Sometimes doing the scary things open up amazing doors to a new and empowering you that was scared to step up front and shine. I’m hooked and will be enjoying more classes. Thank you Heather for being you!
Trisha B.