Envision U
A Women’s Yoga Study Retreat for Self-Discovery & Transformation 2025-2026

What is included in the Yoga Mama’Z Envision U Women’s Yoga Study

• Yoga Philosophy/Ethics/Lifestyle/Physical • Practice
• Meditation
• Qigong
• Ayurveda
• Journaling
• Nature
• Chakras
• Breathwork
• Self-Discovery & Growth

Gathering Dates
• October 4th
• November 1st
• December 6th
• January 3rd
• February 7th
• March 7th or 14th
• April 11th

Saturdays 8:30am-1:00pm


Prices & Payment Options

We gratefully accept cash, check or Venmo payments

Envision U

$108 x 7 months = $756
1 Payment:      
$656 by September 1st $100 Discount
$706 by October 1st $50 Discount

2 Payments:     
$108 Down payment with application to hold your spot
October 4th - $324            January 3rd - $324

Monthly Payments: 
$108 Down payment with application (goes towards last month)
$108 Monthly payments October-March at each study weekend

Envision U + Unlimited
Yoga Mama’Z Classes

$150 x 7 months = $1,050
1 Payment:                  
$950 by September 1st $100 Discount
$1,000 by October 1st $50 Discount

2 Payments:                 
$150 Down payment with application to hold your spot
October 4th - $450                    January 3rd - $450

Monthly Payments:      
$150 Down payment with application (goes towards the last month)
$150 Monthly payments October-March at each study weekend

Envision U
+ Be Inspired
Life Coaching

$163 x 7 months = $1,141
1 Payment:                  
$1,041 By September 1st $100 Discount
$1,091 By October 1st $50 Discount

2 Payments:                 
$163   Down payment with application
October 4th - $489     January 3rd - $489

Monthly Payments:      
$163 down payment due with application (goes towards the last month’s payment)
$163 Monthly payments October-March at each study weekend

*This option includes a monthly, 60 minute, one-on-one virtual or in person life coaching session (half price) with Heather to further support and enhance your journey.  This is a wonderful addition for those looking for guidance and extra support on their personal journey in all areas of life.

Envision U + Be Inspired
Life Coaching Package + Unlimited Yoga Mama’Z

$205 x 7 months = $1,435
1 Payment:                  
$1,345 By September 1st $100 Discount
$1,385 By October 1st $50 Discount
2 Payments:                 
$205   Down payment with application
October 4th - $615    January 3rd - $615

Monthly Payments:      
$205 down payment due with application (goes towards the last month’s payment)
$205 Monthly payments October-March at each training weekend

*This option includes a monthly, 60 minute, one-on-one virtual or in person life coaching session (half price) with Heather to further support and enhance your journey.  This is a wonderful addition for those looking for guidance and extra support on their personal journey in all areas of life.

Envision U Yoga Required Materials List
to purchase or borrow for use during the Study

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz . . . . Read before coming to the first weekend of study

(***The Magic by Rhonda Byrne . . . . Choose 28 consecutive days to practice this book before the study begins (this isn’t required, but would be a really great way to get into a gratitude practice.  A simple way is to journal each day on what you are grateful for.)

The Yamas & Niyamas by Deborah Adele
The Ayurvedic Self-Care Handbook by Sarah Kucera

*All of these are available on Amazon and most at Barnes and Noble.  Borrowing or sharing are  also great ideas! (unless you love to highlight like I doJ)
Other Books You May Find Interesting but are not used or required during the study
(I just really enjoy books and love to share awesome ones!)

• Autobiography Of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
• Yoga Teacher’s Toolbox by Joseph and Lilian Le Page
• Beyond Power Yoga by Beryl Bender Birch
• YIN Yoga by Paul Grilley, Evolution of the Soul by Sean Corne
• The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
• The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
• Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda by Sahara Rose

An Envision U Testimonial

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Leann was a 2022-2023 Envision U participant.  When asked what her experience was while in the Yoga Study, this was what she shared...
I have always been interested in practicing yoga and learning more about the philosophies and history of yoga.,.but have never pursued it. Until the day when I bought Heather's book called the “Sedona Spirit Journey” at the flea market. These words on the cover of book encompassed what I was yearning for in my own life: “A story of hope, healing & transformation through nature, yoga, journaling, and adventure.” She signed the inside of my book and wrote “LeAnn, Enjoy the Journey.” And that is how my journey of transformation with Heather started!

A very long time ago, a friend told me that I was a free spirit by heart, and that always stuck with me because that is what I truly am but have let life circumstances pull me in a different direction. Meeting Heather and reading her book and journaling in it put my mind on a whole new path. And when she reached out to me about her Envision You Yoga Study, I signed up immediately!

During our one-year study, we practiced different styles of healing movement, yoga, breathwork, and meditation. Heather also incorporated Ayurveda, journaling, nature, and chakras. We also read books regarding these subjects, along with learning about the philosophies of the different yoga practices..

For me, it was a year filled with self-discovery and growth.

These are only a few of the ways that my life has been transformed:

1. My happiness level: I feel more joy and gratitude in my life than ever before. I never used to wake up with the sun at 5 a..m. and have a routine that made me be truly excited for the day. To take this time every day to watch the sunrise as I walk my dog, do some YIN yoga poses, and then read and have a cup of coffee has brought so much joy to my life!

2.  My connection to nature: I read Heather’s book in 2 days when I was on a road trip to Colorado. What a perfect place to be reading it. I loved that she has prompting questions and there was space for you to journal right underneath the question! Her book was so impactful to me in regards to her connection with nature, that I did one thing that I had always wanted to do…lift my hands and face up to the sky in front of the Teton Mountains - one of my favorite places in the U.S, So when we got to the Teton Mountains, I stood with my back to the camera and lifted my arms and head up to the sky and took a deep breath and took it all in! My sister thought I was crazy doing this in front of all these other tourists, but I didn’t care. I then made her do it and she loved it! I even used one of these pictures as my Facebook profile picture. You cannot see my face - only the beauty that lay in front of me. This is now what I do in most pictures that are with nature. it feels so freeing. I feel fully connected to nature in a way that I have never felt before. And this connection to nature only grew stronger as the year continued with Heather. Truly grounding myself with the earth has led me to be able to take in its true beauty and bring me to a place of peacefulness that I have never felt before. I am now the crazy woman who takes off her shoes to feel the grass under her feet in any place that she can. And laying in the grass without a blanket may get people looking at you - but I secretly hope that they try it and realize how grounding it is!
3.  Practicing Ayurveda: Incorporating ancient self-care into my everyday life has transformed my life. I now have a healthy relationship with the food that I eat and daily self-care routines that make me finally feel like I am taking better care of myself. And everything I do also makes me feel good too - both inside and out!

4.  My Intuition: I am now able to allow myself to tap into my gut feelings about situations and people more easily. This has been so freeing because before, I knew I should follow and trust my gut, but my mind would question it and often lead me to a different choice just to please other people.

5.  My Confidence & Self Love: Accepting that I don’t need to fit into the mold of what I have always thought of what society says you need to do to be considered outwardly beautiful. To me, it was being that woman when you were out shopping who was all put together. She is dressed to perfection, and her hair and make-up make her look like everything is perfect in her life. It was the person who I have always thought I should want to be, but deep down I knew that it wasn’t who I am. Now I rarely wear any makeup and my favorite go-to clothes are yoga pants and Heather’s yoga clothing. My kids always ask me if I own anything that doesn’t say “Yoga Mama’Z” on it! They especially love her green t-shirt that says “Trees are my kind of people.” They still don’t get what it means when I try to explain it to them!
As I mentioned, these are only a few examples of how my life has been transformed since Heather and the teachings she includes in the study have been in my life. I am forever grateful to her for opening up my mind, body, and soul to allow myself to be at a place that I have never been before - a place of total self-love and contentment - and connected to nature in a way that grounds my soul!


Here are a few testimonials from my Envision U yoga study:
"First I just want to encourage anyone that is thinking this may be something they'd like to do to just do it! I'm on a self care kick and this is exactly what I needed. The reading and routine you gain is so powerful. I did this for me as a once a month fill my cup and get out, time. It turned into an amazing routine to continue at home and stay filled. Heather is such a kind, knowledgeable teacher! There's so much you gain from every meet up. She guides you through and is amazing at reminding you to take exactly what you need and focus on one thing at a time." 
— Trisha B, 2023-2024 Envision U Participant
"I joined the Envision U class on a whim, feeling like something was missing in my life but not knowing quite what it was. The class ended up being exactly what I didn't know I needed! Specifically, I love the self care guidance that feels so much more nourishing to mind, body and soul than a lot of the recommendations for "self-care" out there. The reading materials and discussions about them blew my mind in the best possible way. I'm still a work in progress, but some parts of how I think, how I feel, and where I look for the things I need have definitely changed for the better! For many years I've been drawn to more holistic healing and practices, and I'm even more convinced of that with everything I've learned in this class!"
— Cassie M, 2023-2024 Envision U Participant