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Lessons from the Pause

BY Heather Zollman
May 22, 2020

Hello friend!  I am putting this out there, here and now…I don’t want to go back.  As I write this, it is May 2020.  We are in the midst of a global pandemic that has changed how we do everything…communicate, approach people, socialize, view things, feel, work, learn, parent…live.  Don’t get me wrong here, I can’t wait to hug people!  I am excited to NOT feel awkward when I go into businesses, wondering what is expected. 
We can’t ignore the pause and what it is teaching us, if you are open to it.  In yoga class, I like to remind peeps that the pause is more important than the pose itself.  The taking time to notice what happened to the body in those moments after releasing the physical pose.  What the breath has done for us in it.  It’s the same off of the mat.  There are so many amazing lessons that we learn on the mat and can take with us into all aspects of life! 
When we are able to start moving towards our “new normal” when things are open and we have more freedom, I want to be sure to take the lessons from the pause with.  Lessons such as…
Slowing down.  It’s okay not to be busy all the time.  Connection/reconnection with people we love that add so much to our lives is so important!  Nature needs pause and rest, and when we let that happen we are all better for it.  We are so lucky with the freedoms we have.  And so much more!
If, when things open up, we go right back to life as we knew it, without taking these lessons with us…what was the point of it all?  I have talked to so many people that have said how nice it is to slow down.  How they enjoy working their jobs from home.  They love the time with family without running every minute.  Kids are noticing these things as well!  If we don’t think these changes in the world are affecting our children, we are very mistaken.  I encourage you to have daily conversations to check in with your children to see how they are feeling and how these changes feel in their minds and bodies.  They feel it just as much if not more than we do!   But, also discuss how the shifts that are happening do not have to be bad.  Change is inevitable.  Shifting our mindsets even slightly can create a totally different experience with the current situation.  I have definitely had moments of frustration, anger and fear.  When I don’t pause, I am reactive.  Just as everyone is without a pause.  When I step back, take a pause and take time to recollect, I notice a shift.  There are many things out of our control right now.  What we can control is our reaction.  We are human, and not always the best at this, me included for sure! 
I encourage you to take the pause!  On and off the mat.  Journal on what you have noticed as positive lessons you can take with you from this.  And what can you incorporate into your life, or let go of that will help you continue with learning in these lessons.  If you like the feeling of slowing down, it is possible to change things up when we go back to “normal”.  You just have to make it happen.