Make It Happen Cap’n
BY Heather Zollman
February 6, 2019
I don’t really feel like it today. I’m tired, could use a lot more coffee, some yoga, a walk and …hmmm…a great big belly laugh to get this day goin! Anyone else ever feel like this? As I write this we are in the depths of winter. I had to reluctantly peel my bathrobe off to get my day started. I wore my bathrobe and my husbands’ slippers to start the car to take my youngest to basketball practice. When I came in, my husband looked me up and down (I can’t imagine the site) and said “what time is Johnny’s practice?” 8:30. He says,” Why don’t I take him?” The look I got can only be translated as…honey, it is not socially acceptable to go to a 9 year olds basketball practice in a robe and oversized slippers, you look like cousin Eddy from The Christmas Vacation movie…it begins in 3 minutes. Oh.
Our kids were home from school for 3 DAYS this week due to insanely frigid temps. I’m not sure why mamas feel like they always need to preface comments like my next one with this, but I am going to…I love my children. Yes we all love our children. I LOVE having them home. But let’s be real, in this situation, even my dog Stanley was going stir crazy! My husband and I both work from home, so we were home and the kids were home. The only time we opened the door to our home was to let the dog out, whose thought bubble read…WTH?????? …when he came in from the cold. This all being said, I am so grateful for our home, the heat working, working from home, healthy children and 1 car that started during this time. Life is really good! So why sometimes do we feel unmotivated, a little foggy, slow moving and like we just don’t wanna today, when it seems like everyone else is highly motivated and doing more in one Instagram or Facebook post than we have accomplished in the last 3 days? Because we are human. Listen peeps, please hear this…WE NEED TO GIVE OURSELVES SOME GRACE. I used to get so down on myself if I didn’t accomplish what I felt I needed to as a mom, wife, teacher, friend all of it in a day. Plus, get in my own workout to stay in good shape and feel at the top of my game. Listen, there is cellulite I’d love to get rid of, muscles I’d love to tone more, pages of a book I’d love to say I accomplished, but the reality is…I’m doing my best. I am finding balance between the doing and chilling out.
There’s a lot of talk about the “hustle” right now, especially with women. I really liked the book Girl Wash Your Face, and I think Rachel Hollis is amazing and doing awesome things in this world! BUT I had to step back a bit from books, Instagram, Facebook, etc. and remember…I am not a hustler. It’s just not who I am. I LOVE to work hard. I LOVE to accomplish things. I also love to work on life balance. I might not make millions, but that’s not a life goal of mine. We all want to be successful, but we need to find OUR authentic way of accomplishing OUR version of success.
Today, my version of success so far is writing this blog post, noticing the booger in my nose BEFORE I got to practice to pick up my son and getting rid of it, stopping to feel the sunshine and being grateful for it and having a really fabulous BIG BELLY LAUGH thanks to another basketball mom while waiting for our sons to be done. I still plan on setting up for an event in the studio tonight, going for a walk OUTSIDE (temps are higher now), enjoying my daughter’s basketball game and maybe reading a little. The most important thing on the list…ENJOYING the day.
Ways that can help you if you feel in a funk? Well…what motivates you? What makes you smile? What makes your body and mind feel good? Okay, now add those things into your day. Even the simplest thing can help I promise. Light a candle, put on your favorite oil, listen to a favorite song, meditate, breathe, pray, dance (like when you were in your 20’s, getting ready to go out for he night with girlfriends kind of dance), get your face in the sunshine, read a motivating book, drink some amazing coffee, laugh with your kids…WHATEVER gets you feeling alive! Add more of that into your days. Move and breathe…same as when we are on the mat. Your body and mind are gifts, use them in ways that make you feel like your best self. And ENJOY it!
As I finish this, I am now sitting in my studio watching the most adorable snowflakes fall from the sky. (That’s right, I didn’t get to finish my post the day I started. In fact it is now 4 days later. But it’s okay. At least I started, came back to it and am finishing itJ) They look like they are dancing together all the way to the earth. They remind me of the toddlerz that come to my yogatoddlerz class…PURE JOY! Here’s a challenge for you today…look at something that is so normal and basic, like the tree in your backyard, and REALLY look at it. Be in awe of it. Find JOY in it. Thank it for being there, and for the fact that you get to be where you are right now and SEE it. It’s the simple things friends. And it’s beautiful! Now go be awesome today!
February 6, 2019
I don’t really feel like it today. I’m tired, could use a lot more coffee, some yoga, a walk and …hmmm…a great big belly laugh to get this day goin! Anyone else ever feel like this? As I write this we are in the depths of winter. I had to reluctantly peel my bathrobe off to get my day started. I wore my bathrobe and my husbands’ slippers to start the car to take my youngest to basketball practice. When I came in, my husband looked me up and down (I can’t imagine the site) and said “what time is Johnny’s practice?” 8:30. He says,” Why don’t I take him?” The look I got can only be translated as…honey, it is not socially acceptable to go to a 9 year olds basketball practice in a robe and oversized slippers, you look like cousin Eddy from The Christmas Vacation movie…it begins in 3 minutes. Oh.
Our kids were home from school for 3 DAYS this week due to insanely frigid temps. I’m not sure why mamas feel like they always need to preface comments like my next one with this, but I am going to…I love my children. Yes we all love our children. I LOVE having them home. But let’s be real, in this situation, even my dog Stanley was going stir crazy! My husband and I both work from home, so we were home and the kids were home. The only time we opened the door to our home was to let the dog out, whose thought bubble read…WTH?????? …when he came in from the cold. This all being said, I am so grateful for our home, the heat working, working from home, healthy children and 1 car that started during this time. Life is really good! So why sometimes do we feel unmotivated, a little foggy, slow moving and like we just don’t wanna today, when it seems like everyone else is highly motivated and doing more in one Instagram or Facebook post than we have accomplished in the last 3 days? Because we are human. Listen peeps, please hear this…WE NEED TO GIVE OURSELVES SOME GRACE. I used to get so down on myself if I didn’t accomplish what I felt I needed to as a mom, wife, teacher, friend all of it in a day. Plus, get in my own workout to stay in good shape and feel at the top of my game. Listen, there is cellulite I’d love to get rid of, muscles I’d love to tone more, pages of a book I’d love to say I accomplished, but the reality is…I’m doing my best. I am finding balance between the doing and chilling out.
There’s a lot of talk about the “hustle” right now, especially with women. I really liked the book Girl Wash Your Face, and I think Rachel Hollis is amazing and doing awesome things in this world! BUT I had to step back a bit from books, Instagram, Facebook, etc. and remember…I am not a hustler. It’s just not who I am. I LOVE to work hard. I LOVE to accomplish things. I also love to work on life balance. I might not make millions, but that’s not a life goal of mine. We all want to be successful, but we need to find OUR authentic way of accomplishing OUR version of success.
Today, my version of success so far is writing this blog post, noticing the booger in my nose BEFORE I got to practice to pick up my son and getting rid of it, stopping to feel the sunshine and being grateful for it and having a really fabulous BIG BELLY LAUGH thanks to another basketball mom while waiting for our sons to be done. I still plan on setting up for an event in the studio tonight, going for a walk OUTSIDE (temps are higher now), enjoying my daughter’s basketball game and maybe reading a little. The most important thing on the list…ENJOYING the day.
Ways that can help you if you feel in a funk? Well…what motivates you? What makes you smile? What makes your body and mind feel good? Okay, now add those things into your day. Even the simplest thing can help I promise. Light a candle, put on your favorite oil, listen to a favorite song, meditate, breathe, pray, dance (like when you were in your 20’s, getting ready to go out for he night with girlfriends kind of dance), get your face in the sunshine, read a motivating book, drink some amazing coffee, laugh with your kids…WHATEVER gets you feeling alive! Add more of that into your days. Move and breathe…same as when we are on the mat. Your body and mind are gifts, use them in ways that make you feel like your best self. And ENJOY it!
As I finish this, I am now sitting in my studio watching the most adorable snowflakes fall from the sky. (That’s right, I didn’t get to finish my post the day I started. In fact it is now 4 days later. But it’s okay. At least I started, came back to it and am finishing itJ) They look like they are dancing together all the way to the earth. They remind me of the toddlerz that come to my yogatoddlerz class…PURE JOY! Here’s a challenge for you today…look at something that is so normal and basic, like the tree in your backyard, and REALLY look at it. Be in awe of it. Find JOY in it. Thank it for being there, and for the fact that you get to be where you are right now and SEE it. It’s the simple things friends. And it’s beautiful! Now go be awesome today!